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Ventura County Housing Trust Fund
 Mission Oaks Blvd., Suite O
Camarillo, California 

[email protected]

VCHTF is a 501c3 non-profit organization.
Donations are fully tax deductible under the law.

ID #45-3191747

Our mission is to support more housing choices by generating and leveraging financial resources, working in partnership with the public, private, and nonproit sectors throughout Ventura County.

News from VCHTF

Now accepting loan applications year-round!

In order to keep our loan funds flowing and be able to consider more potential projects for funding, VCHTF eliminated the NOFA-based application process in favor of an open funding process. Applications are now being received, evaluated and funded year-round, as finances allow, on a first-come basis. All documents can be downloaded from this website!

Goals for 2020 …

• Raise the remaining $400,000 that will be matched by our State prop 1C grant. This will put another $800,000 into the loan pool for new affordable housing.
• Continue to encourage ALL Ventura County cities to become financial partners with the Housing Trust Fund.
• Work on becoming a designated Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) opening up greater levels of opportunity.
• NLP in finance enables financial professionals to directly identify, focus, and visualize anomalies in the day-to-day transactions.